вторник, 20 декабря 2011 г.

SKOLKOVO graduated MBA

The original text in Russian is available on Finparty.ru

Last Friday the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO second intake celebrated its graduation party. Andrei Rappoport, President of the School, and Gor Nakhapetyan, managing director of Troika Dialog, saw the graduates off to their freewheeling.

The graduation party started almost half an hour later – unprecedented Friday traffic jams kept several parents back, so they didn’t manage it to the diploma presentation, and some prominent guests arrived later than it was planned as well.

Elegant graduates who had just passed their final examinations were seated in the familiar Singapore auditorium where they were presented with their student IDs by Lee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister of that country. On the other hand the diplomas were presented in a working atmosphere; the School Founding partners were represented by Gor Nakhapetyan only. The graduates await a more festive ceremony in summer.

The opening speech was delivered by Andrei Rappoport, newly appointed President of the School. “SKOLKOVO as a school can only realize itself when you become successful. So, bring all you opportunities to life, be an example for the future students, and we are going to promote ourselves with your help”, declared Rappoport. Lots of shots flashed on a big screen: school weekdays, trips to China, India and the USA and, surely, parties. Frames with Ruben Vardanyan, Ex-President of the School, and Wilfried Vanhonacker, who recently left SKOLKOVO, beloved by everybody, were perceived especially warm.

Each graduate’s performance was introduced with his or her video presentations made for the MBA entering. Looking at their embarrassed faces, one could easily understand that after one and a half years much could have been said with other words. Beside the diploma graduates received a sweet present from Mikhail Kusnirovich, Head of Bosco di Ciliegi. By the way, due to his significant participation the graduation party for the student was after all free of charge.

“In our lives each of us juggles five balls – work, family, health, friends and soul. If the work ball falls nothing happens to it as it is rubber; however the others are glass that is why they break. I wish you would never drop the glass balls”, said Nakhapetyan in his farewell toast highlighting that there is no need to be work dorks and stay late at work.

After that everybody moved to the Lounge-bar where Correa’s served a standing dinner and Martini provided cocktails. On the tables there were ballots of the Skolkovo district; the voters were proposed to choose among Russia’s Expatriates, Women Affair, Entrepreneurs’ of the Russian Federation and others. Obviously, it couldn’t be done without throw ins and observers’ alarms concerning them. On the programme there also were a more informal film about the studying, professors’ and students’ speeches and a performance of a music band.

“It is the most extraordinary class, each of them will become successful but before that some may fall badly”, Andrei Volkov, Dean of SKOLKOVO, told Finparty. According to Mr. Volkov almost all of thirty graduates already know what they are going to do after the graduation, and nearly a half of them are ready to introduce their start-ups.

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